Icing - Tiger's Blood
Posted by Erin on 9/16/11. Filed under: icing, orange, red, reviews, swatches
Remember that meltdown that Charlie Sheen had a few months back? The one where he started saying hilarious and bizarre shit like, "I have tiger's blood" and "WINNING!"? Well, Icing decided that Charlie Sheen and his "epic" meltdown would make for an excellent nail polish collection. And to tell you the truth, I think it's kind of brilliant. Well, it would be brilliant if everything else about it aside from the names didn't suck.
Behold the bottle of shit that they call Tiger's Blood.
Sheer vermillion jelly full of silver, orange and translucent glitter.
A complete nightmare. Seriously, the formula is shitty beyond belief. It has the consistency of glue and even with 4 horrible goopy coats, I still have slight VNL. Drying time? Well, I hope you have an extra decade to spare, because this stuff NEVER dries to a hard finish. It's pliable for life. If it ever did dry you can bet your life it'd peel off with the force of a light breeze.
See above, but read it in an angry voice.
Bottom line:
Okay, the color is decent. It's not a stunner but it's not hideous either. But considering how pretty much everything else about it sucks ass, it really SHOULD be a stunner. The name of this must be the thing that people love so much about it. I can't think of what else people would like about it.
16/9/11 11:41 AM
I have no patience for polishes like that! It is really pretty besides that. I wonder if you apply a red/orange base and apply that over top you would still get the same look with less dry time lol
16/9/11 1:53 PM
Gorgeous. This colour is calling for me:)
16/9/11 5:31 PM
@ Krissy -
I think it is even too goopy to be used as a blinged up top coat. I will eventually try adding some thinner to it and see how that works though. But as always, I review what comes in the bottle and not what I had to do to what came in the bottle :P