Jordana - Brand Review and Polish Swatches
Posted by Erin on 9/19/11. Filed under: brands, jordana, reviews, swatches
Whilst perusing my collection of polishes, trying to find something suitable for a swatch post, I realized that I have quite a few Jordana polishes and I don't believe I've ever swatched or reviewed any of them. Odd, because I'm fond of the brand. In fact, I am so impressed with their polishes that I went ahead and bought a few of their other cosmetics. Their liquid eyeliner is awesome and their eye shadow base, while quite different than some of the more popular and upscale primers, is really good and I use it daily. I'm here to review their nail polish. Perhaps I'll save their eye primer for another day :)
Jordana has a really impressive range of colors to offer. Since I am definitely partial to creme finishes, most of my Jordana polishes are cremes. But they have a lot of glitters, shimmers and a couple jellys, as well as a new range of crackles. All together, they produce over 90 shades of polish(!).
Rich Green - 2 coats, no top coat |
Rich Green - 2 coats, no top coat |
The only one of my Jordana polishes to ever give me an application issue was Mellow Yellow (a true yellow jelly). But a. it's yellow and b. it's a jelly. So I really can't hold the bad application on that against them. Other than that they are all extremely easy to work with, are deeply pigmented, and most don't have any tendency to bubble. A few of them can appear streaky until a top coat is added, but a good coat of Seche Vite never failed to remedy the problem.
Lavender Fields - 2 coats, no top coat |
Lavender Fields - 2 coats, no top coat |
Honestly, there aren't any. These don't apply as well as most OPI polishes, but they only cost a fraction of the price. And the huge range of colors can't be beat!
Boy Oh Boy - 2 coats, no top coat |
Boy Oh Boy - 2 coats, no top coat |
I haven't quite gotten to the best thing about Jordana- the fact that each of their polishes retails for $1.99. Yes, a line of super pigmented, easy to apply polishes in awesome shades for just $1.99 each. If I haven't sold you Jordana yet then I never will. But I suspect that if you didn't know about the brand before reading this post that you are likely interested now that I've let you know how much they cost. So where can you get them? I buy mine at, which is a fantastic resource for super cheap makeup and their shipping rates are really good too. I think I ordered something ridiculous like 13 items a few months back and all together with shipping I paid $25. It's like E.L.F.....with some variety ;)
Note: I was not asked to review Jordana, nor was I compensated in any way for this review by the company.
19/9/11 4:39 PM
I love all the colors!